2 min read

Find yourself a mentor

Find yourself a mentor

Find a mentor now. Don’t wait. It’s the most important career advice I can give, and even I need this reminder from time to time.

My company doesn’t have a mentorship program. People are too busy. That person is too important. They’ll reject me.

These are examples of negative self-talk I’ve heard from others and myself.

No mentorship program? You don’t need permission. Do it on your own. Look around your own workplace.

Find those who excel in a skill you want to develop. Observe them. Pinpoint what makes them effective. Try to emulate that behaviour. Reflect. Refine. Repeat.

Someone is too busy or you’re not important enough? I’ve mentored with junior engineers, senior engineers, heads of departments, HR heads, CEOs, and more. None of them have EVER rejected me. Is it because I’m special, extroverted, charismatic, and charming? No, no, no and certainly no.

I strive to be humble, respectful, and authentic. “Hey! I’ve noticed you’re really great at <<thing>>. I struggle with it and would love to improve. Could I share some of your time to learn from you?”.

It’s hard not to be flattered and support that. Good leaders and mentors know success isn’t built alone. Every successful person I've met has had a mentor and understands the value of paying it forward.

The most important rule as a mentee? Be respectful of your mentor’s time. You drive the sessions and the topic of discussion, not them.

Isn’t it fortunate that you first spent time observing and trying to emulate them? Now you’re better equipped to discuss what you’ve tried, what worked, what didn’t work. Instead of expecting them to do all the heavy lifting, you now get to ask insightful questions and leverage their experience.

I also choose to mentor with a wide variety of people from all walks of life. They aren't all in my current occupation or future aspirations. Yet, each one shares valuable lifelong lessons that have helped me immensely in my career. Seek out diversity.

Don’t procrastinate another minute. Find your future mentor and reach out.